Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Beat Bush. Vote Democrat (if you can)

Click on the title above to link to my Home Page that then connects to most of the candidates I'm going to vote for this November, from the precinct level (Constable & Justice of the Peace) to the country level (Corporate Commissioners) to my state Reps (District 5), then federal House of Representative (District 1), and the federal U.S. Senator...

....not to mention the State and County Supervisor of Schools, the State Governor, Attorney General, Treasurer, Sec. of State and the State Mine Inspector.

It's a pretty long list and it's not surprising most folks find it confusing.

Cynically -- not only do I have to agree with the confusion even to know all of our candidates in our elections but almost wonder if it wasn't done on purpose: with different candidates for different neighborhood precincts, county candidates, state candidates that may be in more than one county, and national candidates as well: all gerrymandered to add to the confusion.

But -- we have to fight fire with fire. We have to be at least as smart as our opponents. If they can handle it, so can we. Plus, there are some good people in these elections: David Widmaier is running again for Judge in Pinetop-Lakeside; Phil Cobb is running for State Senator District 5; and of course there is Ellen Simon's for House of Representative, Arizona, Congressional District 1's not that hard to get a handle on these names and election zones. Just think of it as a horserace; or a video game; or, perhaps, think of it as a battle and if you lose your life and country can be made better or worse. So, as a Democratic bumper sticker says: Vote Democrat. The Ass You Save May Be Your Own.

But, either way. Vote. It feels good. It's the right thing to do.

I was hoping to say: "Vote Democratic from A to Z; from Top to Bottom; Vote the whole ballot Democratic," but unfortunately -- even though we need to get rid of Bush to restore honor and decency in our country -- just because someone's a Democrat certainly doesn't make them the Savior; no, we could just be replacing one political gangster with another.

So - Vote Democrat (if you can). Vote Democrat from A to X.

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Archive: Before September 2008 posts were about "Villains."