Showing posts with label war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

US wars in Lebanon and Iran underway now

The USA, in covert actions, is supplying cash and weapons to Sunni terrorist groups in Lebanon to fight Shitite terrorist groups in Lebanon as part of ongoing actions and war plans to attack Shitite Iran...either for Oil and Israel or for safety, security, freedom and democracy.

read more | digg story

Click title for more info.

Monday, March 19, 2007

White House Attacking the Constitution.

Bush and his White House changed one of the essential principles and laws of our Constitution, and they did it on the sly, secretly, in the dark. There are probably dozens of such secret provisions that eat away at the basic foundations of our country, but the issue, this week, that has become a prime-time focus is the Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appointing new state Attorney Generals without Senate confirmation.

Senate confirmation was the norm prior to this sneaky, unconstitutional provision put into the Patriot Act. In fact, more than just a 'norm,' it is an example of the essential need for oversight to prevent exactly what is now happening: A President just doing what he wants, regardless of law or Congress or public opinion.

It's an intentionally circumventing of Senate confirmations of their new replacement candidates so they can replace who they want, for any reasons they want, and put in anyone they want unchallenged, i.e. Absolute power.

Confirmations by Congress used to be required for each key appointment, but thanks to the so-called Patriot Act and some provisions noone apparently bothered to read at the time, Gonzales is now free to install his own “heckofajob Brownie” types in office. It is not clear whether is it simply the usual Bush Administration contempt for competence or a pre-emptive strike against efficacy of future criminal investigations into Bush activities.

It's one paragraph after another, isn't it? One violent assault upon our Constitution after another, isn't it? One more knife thrust into the heart, the soul, the best interest, and the desires of the vast majority of the American people.

No more words are needed. Action is needed.


Strategy & Plan to Shut-down the Warmongers

Friday, February 09, 2007

Douglas Feith:Pre-War Fabrications Exposed

The Pentagon Inspector General has released a report today pointing the finger at the man in the center of the picture above -- a man now accused of being at the center of fabricating false intelligence to start the War in Iraq.

The Senate Armed Services Committee was that the office headed by former Pentagon policy chief Douglas J. Feith took “inappropriate” actions in advancing conclusions on al-Qaida connections not backed up by the nation's intelligence agencies."

Inappropriate” actions? That appears to be a mild term for it.

How about Outright lies? Deliberate deception? Falsehood? International War Crime?

The Pentagon Inspector General said this wasn't illegal. But others -- thank God -- are quick to disagree. It seems a determined group including Feith, Former Deputy Sec. of Defence Wolfowitz, Sec. of Defense Rumsfeld, Vice-President Cheney and whoever else is behind this world tragedy and American nightmare. -- a destruction of dreams and lives.

Was this 'intelligence?' Or was this just making up lies to make up a War?

Villian of the Week? Without doubt. But douglas Feith and the other so-called 'neo-cons,' and their supporters
truly deserve more 'intelligence' focused on them.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

"The so-called: American Enterprise Institute

For the first time an INSTITUTE/ORGANIZATION win's the 'Villian of the Week,' award, although it would be far better to say they are the 'Villian of the World."

I quote; "The American Enterprise Institute has emerged as one of the leading architects of the Bush administration's foreign policy. Another arm of their organization is the Project for the New American Century, one of the leading voices that pushed the Bush administration's plan for "regime change" through war in Iraq.

AEI reps have also aggressively denied that the war has anything to do with oil.

They also are the one who planted false intelligence about Iraq through their handpicked pseudo proposed Iraqi leader: the liar and corrupt Chalibi

In June 2003, AEI and another right-wing group, the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies, launched a new website to curb and silence dissenting citizen groups. While at the same time they are significant fund-raisers for the Republican party, with annual speeches from both Vice-President Cheney and President Bush (2 big 'oil men.')

And last but not least:(and NOT least and NOT last for their ongoing operations have many tentacles, including arms dealing and starting a war with Iran)

Casting Doubt on Global Warming
In February 2007, The Guardian reported that AEI was offering scientists and economists $10,000 each, "to undermine a major climate change report" from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Click title/link for more info. AIE sometimes uses the slogan: 'Set America Free,' quotes true patriotic leaders to support their evil, and asks questions like: 'What should we do with Iran?" when we should also be asking the question: "What should we do with them!"

Monday, January 29, 2007

Cheney - Traitor & Coward (& Worse)

(Note: Click on the title of this post, above, or go to to find out how we can get rid of this cure on our American History)

Today the fifth (5th) Government official testified that Vice-President Cheney was pushing the campaign to discredit the anti-war criticism (i.e. truth)of former ambassador Joe Wilson, by revealing --- by 'outing,' the identity of his CIA wife.

Ambassador's Wilson's wife had, for sure, functioned as a covert agent and build up a network of secret contacts in the Middle East. To reveal her name and identify her as a CIA agent was not only to threaten her directly but also directly threaten the secret network she had created through 'pretend,' business relationships.

Isn't this treason? Isn't it treason to betray members of your own army, or CIA agents of your own government? Not even any radical anti-war protesters have done this.

It is treason to betray your own. And to do it to cover up your own lies and false claims of "intelligence," is cowardly.

For these lies to them cause the death of over 100,000 people, the waste of 100's and 100's of billions of dollars, and the leading of whole nations down a path of trumped-up hate...well...that's even worse. Isn't it?

Click on A.C.T.'s link to help start the impeachment of this war-profiteer, liar, and war criminal.

Friday, January 19, 2007


Bush waves the Flag and God in our faces just to cover up for his crimes, violations of the Constitution, lies and corruption, starting the wrong war for the wrong reasons, ignoring our democracy here at home while pretending to establish it elsewhere.

Due to his policies on torture he is a war criminal. Due to the murderous anarchy in Iraq for ALL the years of American occupation he has violated the Geneva Convention (again)and a war criminal.

For unjustly causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's (mainly woman and children) he is a mass murderer who has already killed more than Saddam.

Besides threatening the world with Eternal Global War, and now threatening to invade Iran and Syria - he now says THE NEXT FOUR OR FIVE PRESIDENTIAL ADMINISTRATIONS WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT!
UNABLE EVEN TO CLEAN UP HIS OWN MESS (and as if he could dictate the plans of the next presidential administration.

BUSH continues down this destructive path -- for our country and the world --despite the people's opposition to all this! As indicated in the last November 2006 elections; desite having the lowest poll numbers in American history (down to 27% in several polls), despite the resolutions this month by Congress opposing the war, saying it is not in the national interest.

CALL TO ACTION: Click title (above) or go directly to: for a 3-PART PATRIOT PLAN of specific actions that can help firmly shut this administration down. Including some actions that can be started by any person, any where, anytime. So let's get going.

Click on Banner (above) to go to A.C.T.'s Weekly Political Action News


Archive: Before September 2008 posts were about "Villains."