Saturday, February 17, 2007

Political Liars

Yesterday, a historical vote in Congress, in the House of Representatives, a resolution against a build-up of the War in Iraq was passed. It was the first time, the very first time in nearly 4-full-years of disastrous war the the conflict was finally discussed.

Republicans in the U.S Senate blocked such a resolution from even being discussed. Today, again today they are expected to block discussion once again. Their claim is that since this in a non-binding resolution it is meaningless.

If it's so "meaningless," what's the hassle?

Every word spoken by these Republican obstructionist is a lie, deception, false. All a lesson in a current example of Machiavellian spitefulness.

Their political tactic is insisting that another resolution is introduced and discussed at the same time, a resolution deliberately intended to be divisive -- a resolution they don't even believe in: a resolution to cut off funding for the troops.

The intent is to both divide the Democratic party and make them look weak claiming that if Democrats were 'really serious' about opposing the war they would want to cut off they introduce a resolution to cut off funds, a resolution they don't even believe in.

But the Democrats don't want to cut off funds for the war. They want to START TALKING about the issue.

These Republican obstructionist could probably even teach Machiavelli a thing or two, which is too bad for our country, too bad for democracy, and too bad for all those killed and maimed by the war, all those made homeless and refuges, all those who have lost jobs, property, and businesses.

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