William Lantos was a strong supporter of the 1991 Persian Gulf War. During the run-up to the war, Lantos used his Congressional Human Rights Caucus to host a well-spoken young Kuwaiti woman identified only as "Nurse Nayirah", who told of horrific abuses by Iraqi soldiers, including the killing of Kuwaiti babies by taking them out of their incubators and leaving them to die on the cold floor of the hospital. These alleged atrocities figured prominently in the rhetoric at the time about Iraqi abuses in Kuwait. This story later proved to be a complete fabrication. "Nurse Nariyah" was, in fact the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States, and had been coached on this story by the PR firm of Hill & Knowlton, who were paid $14 million by representatives of the Government of Kuwait to create a PR campaign to generate U.S. support for an invasion. Hill & Knowlton also provided free office space to the Congressional Human Rights Foundation (distinct from the similarly named caucus), of which Lantos was co-chair at the time.
Besides using these deliberate and fabricated lies to start the first Persian Gulf war this zsionist extremist also was a big advocate of the current war in Iraq and helped pushed those lies too.
Now he is now stirring up 100-year old accusations and charges of genocide against Turkey!?
This is perplexing. What is the politics behind this? Why now?
To be clear about the genocide charges, BTW, it seems there were mass killings and maybe way more than a million souls sent to death. But why now? And also, what about the issue of potential genocide in Darfur? Or if you want to go back into the past what about policies of the British causing genocide in Ireland? Or what about the surrent slow starvation of over a million people in Palestine, in the Gaza strip?
Of course the USA is never going to accuse Britian of genocide. And of course the USA is never going to accuse Israel of genocide. And of course the USA's own policies of genocide against Native American Indians is not going to be mentioned: So it is clear there is politics involved in all this and considering Lantos' history and Zealot extremist ideology one can only conclude it has something to do with stirring up more trouble and unrest in the Middle East.
I guess Turkey (a current USA ally is now to be added to the list of Bad States in the Middle East, to go along with Iraq, Iran, Jordon, Syria, Saudia Arabia, Dubai, all of the Arab Emirates, etc.
But none of this bodes well for the USA. Now it specifically and clearly turns a former ally against us (at a most critical time when that ally feels it necessary to possibly invade in norther Iraq Kurdish terroritories!).
The Turks, BTW, FYI -- for the info of us all -- are not a 'weak,' people noted for being pushed around. Quite the Opposite! Consider the expression: 'Young Turk,' for example. It means: 'Tough Dude.'
Yup, not we're messing around not only with a (probably 'former;) ally but with a bunch of tough dudes. This clearly is not in American interest.