"We reached an agreement on how 'reset' is spelled in both Russian and English - we have no differences between us any more,"
Russian Foreign Minister, Mr Sergey Lavrov, after receiving a button from Sec. of State Hillary Clinton which used the wrong Russian word for ‘reset,“ and actually read: ”Here’s to overloading the fuse box on new relations.“
This underscores how difficult a whole treaty must if just one word can be wrong and one word was the whole message!
Now, put that in Arabic, and then wrap it up with a tendency of politicians, diplomats and nations to avoid any harsh truths, not counting the outright liar, the challenges of the world become clearer: we're a bunch of chattering chimps (and sometimes, chumps)
People have reported the word: Peregruzka, means 'overloaded or overcharged." When Ms. Clinton was told this she handled it well, laughed and said, "Well, we're not going to let you over charge us."
But I think the nuance of the word is like an electrical circuit being overcharged (not over charged like on a shopping trip, showing has misspeaking can lead to more and language skills are not easy.
I think the button tells the Russian's that our relationship was is like an overloaded fuse box...that needs to be reset (like you can reset fuses). Frankly, that's probably a pretty good way of looking at it.
What President Obama means by 'reset,' is still not certain. Perhaps he's thinking of his Blackberry PDA that occasionally needs to be reset. Or did he mean "reboot," like rebooting a computer?
The red button, though, was probably a better gift than giving the Russians and old fishing boot or something.
Thank God for small favors.
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