Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Email Posting! Web Site Refreshed. In a Delicious Cloud. I've Been Clipped Marked.

The last few days have been dedicated to 'riding the social media bull,' -- so please excuse any duplicate

duplicates that may have been duplicated, 'cause I'm trying to Amplify my thoughts, i.e. where a clip

or comment automatically goes from one social media bulletin board to another.

This way, any Tweet I make would resonate from the White House, through CNN to the Great Wall of


Cool, and this post is the first test of doing that with just an email.

A cool new thing discovered along the way was an auto-generated 'Delicious Cloud.'…um, a 'cloud,'

is a list of tags, so larger than others and a bit hard to describe unless you've seen one.

To see MyDeliciousCloud, it's on the Home Page of ACT, at:

and it goes from  9/11, ACT,  to zionism, zionist. (Numbers, apparently, are on the top of the tag list).

It was impressive 'cause I have done a lot of 'clipping,' of bookmarks; I definitely save a lot of links to topics and issues

I find interesting.

But I never expected to turn 'em all into a "Cloud."

Yet, it was the feature of being able to tag bookmarks that attracted me to Delicious.

Someday I suppose we all have our own Tag Clouds -- we could print 'em out on T-shirts.

Walk around wearing them, never at a loss for words - or topics to bring up.

"Just pick a Tag, any tag," we could say. And conversation would be off and running.



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Archive: Before September 2008 posts were about "Villains."