Monday, March 19, 2007

White House Attacking the Constitution.

Bush and his White House changed one of the essential principles and laws of our Constitution, and they did it on the sly, secretly, in the dark. There are probably dozens of such secret provisions that eat away at the basic foundations of our country, but the issue, this week, that has become a prime-time focus is the Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appointing new state Attorney Generals without Senate confirmation.

Senate confirmation was the norm prior to this sneaky, unconstitutional provision put into the Patriot Act. In fact, more than just a 'norm,' it is an example of the essential need for oversight to prevent exactly what is now happening: A President just doing what he wants, regardless of law or Congress or public opinion.

It's an intentionally circumventing of Senate confirmations of their new replacement candidates so they can replace who they want, for any reasons they want, and put in anyone they want unchallenged, i.e. Absolute power.

Confirmations by Congress used to be required for each key appointment, but thanks to the so-called Patriot Act and some provisions noone apparently bothered to read at the time, Gonzales is now free to install his own “heckofajob Brownie” types in office. It is not clear whether is it simply the usual Bush Administration contempt for competence or a pre-emptive strike against efficacy of future criminal investigations into Bush activities.

It's one paragraph after another, isn't it? One violent assault upon our Constitution after another, isn't it? One more knife thrust into the heart, the soul, the best interest, and the desires of the vast majority of the American people.

No more words are needed. Action is needed.


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