Wednesday, March 21, 2007

AIPAC: Leading the USA into another War

We need the help of Jewish-Americans.

Because if the polls are correct, a recent Gallup poll, Jewish Americans oppose the war in Iraq more vigorously than any other religious group in the US. Seventy-seven percent of US Jews (and 89 percent of Jewish Democrats!) believe the war in Iraq was a mistake.

So then AIPAC must be applying all this pressure for another Jewish community, Zionist.

Like charlatans working in the dark, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)-- American Jews -- paved the way in Congress last week to allow for another war, the upcoming War in Iran.

This use to be a far more up-front country, far more free, far more democratic. Now we're all suppose to be frightened from shouting out the truth: Zionist, Israel, and the vast majority of Jews are deceiving the United States into another war!

Yup. And just to make it clear: I don't deny the Holocaust -- my family fought against Hitler. I don't think all Jews are the same. I don't want to send any group into prison camps or gas chambers, blagh, blagh, blahg.

USA Oil Fever and bloody Zionist Hegemony are killing our country and murdering the Middle East. That's the truth.

And I'll hit the nail on the head that is the Big Problem with many Jews.

Many Jews are Jews first and have more loyalty and caring and misdirection of our USA resources, time, energy, blood, money and focus into the State of Israel and are willing to drive the USA into the ground. The are Jews first; Americans second.

The question each of them has to look in the mirror and ask is:
Am I a Jewish-American or am I an American Jew?

We need the help of Jewish-Americans. Please. Come to our aid. We have been silenced by outrageous insults and accusations. We can't even come close to speaking the truth without being accused of anti-Semitism and all the other insults that come with it.

Jewish-Americans have the best chance for some straight talk and getting our country, the USA, out of this mess and misdirection.

Come on. Now your time to really add your brains and your power and your abilities to a country that not only has given you, your tribe but has also given many oppressed tribes and nations in the world to come here and have a better life.

Now we have to hate? Now we have to live in fear of terrorist everyday? Now our open society begins to resemble Israel surrounded by a wall.

This is a terrible situation. We have to get off this path of misdirection and destruction.

Golly! -- Last week the House Appropriations paved the way for a War in Iran.

This is real bad news:
Now: Bush has carte blanche to take out Iran's nuclear facilities.

Last week House Senate Majority Leader Pelosi quietly agreed to strip out of the $100 billion funding bill for Iraq now in the Appropriations Committee, she agreed to strip out a provision that would have required President Bush to seek congressional approval before launching any new war on Iran.

Isn't this a de facto Declaration of War on Iran? Isn't this giving permission for a War on Iran? Doesn't this allow cash being spent for a War on Iran?

YES - IT DOES! -- It looks like a duck. It quacks like a duck. It swims like a duck.
Golly! -- Last week the House Appropriations paved the way for a War in Iran.

Now the White House and Congress are not only stripping away our freedoms and Constitutional Rights behind the scenes, in the dark, but now they're declaring War in the dark, behind the scenes!!

People are trying to pin the rap on Pelosi, but how about the AIPAC that lobbied for the change? How about the Conservative Democrats and Republicans who put pressure on Ms. Pelosi to do it?

NAMING NAMES: Arak, Natanz and Bushehr:Rep. Shelley Berkley,Gary Ackerman, American Israel Public Affairs Committee, ALL the Democratic AND Republican leadership, (House Minority Leader John Boehner especiaslly) pro-Israel lawmakers, all the Presidential candidates (Obama the least),

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