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Former CIA Director George Tenet has a book coming out this weekend and has been making the rounds of TV talks shows, "defending his honor."
He might have honor if he would tell the truth.The complete truth about the fabrication and use of False Intel to mislead the nation into war. The truth about torture.
But, no. He now just adds more 'smoke and mirrors,' more confusion about the war crimes of torture and the national treason of using False Intel to go to war.
Instead of 'torture,' Tenet actually says we have: 'High Value Detainee programs,' and they are at: 'undisclosed locations,' i.e. secret prisons.
God. He's even a disgrace to the coherent and clarity of the English language.
He is not telling the truth. He's REMAINS A traitor to the true interest of our nation. He's covering up evil deeds, by himself and/or others.
He stares into the camera and tells the interviewer: "We Don't Torture," for example which the photos of USA torture at Abu Garaib have been viewed worldwide.
An honest man or one more clever in deception would at least say or try to claim: "We don't torture anymore."
But there is a big problem with that. If he admitted to any torture at any time that would be a war crime. So: "We don't torture," this pompous, sleazy, fat-ass says, to the disgrace of himself and the American people.
If he, or so many others, could tell the truth and we'd have a chance to make things right but now he's spilling out words just to cover his own ass, make himself look good, bring in big bucks from the book deal, but no...he's not even coming close to letting us know what really when down with these FALSE CLAIMS OF SADDAM HAVING WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.
And he knows. He was part of it. He could name names. He could tell the truth and help the nation.
And just think, he got a Medal of Freedom. What a disgrace. It disgraces the Medal of Freedom forever. Maybe if he returned this Medal of Freedom he might have some dignity and honor and maybe the Medal of Freedom would mean something again; but all it means now is that liars and deceivers like to give themselves show and tell.
[Click on title, above, for some facts that help scratch the surface a bit more; but it's a big octopus of a story and Tenet is just still playing smoke and mirrors]