Wolfowitz, perhaps the biggest spokesmen for AIPAC in the country, and known as the 'Architect of the War,' because he was the main advocate of invading Iraq when he was the Deputy of Defense is now the center of another scandal
After presenting the nation with crap and bullshit for years with all his promises and predictions on how well the War would go and all the pseudo-reasons, false reasons USA should be there...well...he get's this plum payoff job, appointed by George Bush as head of the World Bank.
But now he's caught having an affair with an employee. Get's her a half-a-million dollar paycheck, from our tax dollars, (BEFORE TAXES!) and discredits the World Bank to the max.
Bill Clinton got impeached for less, a lot less. What he did didn't involve half-a-million dollar payoff's for having sex nor did he, himself, drag the nation into the mud.
His current scandal reflects the type of man he is; just someone who's into padding his own bed and paying off people to puff up his pillow (at our expense, and at the expense of the World Bank), but his greater crimes are, no doubt, the constant drumbeat and false reasons he gave for being one of the leaders misleading our nation into war.
Former Deputy Director of the Department of Defense Wolffowitz has done this. Attorney General Gonzales lies to Congress. Biggest White House aide Karl Rove loses a 1,000,000 emails, Vice-President Dick Cheney on the record (the court record from 'Scooter' Libby's trial, Cheney on the record of leading the CoverUp -- the 'Smear Wilson campaign,-- trying to cover up the fact of using False Intel to get us into war.
Irving Lewis 'Scooter' Libby now a convicted felon.
Who actually forged the False Intel of Saddam seeking to make WMD's still a 'Smoking Gun,' yet to be revealed.
What do you have to do to get fired or impeached in DC these days? Have sex with a young woman and NOT get her a job or a half-a-million bucks?
At least it's clear to see the White House of Cards is crumbling. Thank God.
OH..P.S. Click on Title, above, or
NPR: White House Supports Wolfowitz Amid Scandal if you have the stomach to listen to the President's reaction.
Click here, if you want to find the steps we need to take to get out of this mess
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