This guy, besides being another Draft Dodger for War, like Dickhead Cheney, now admits he was having sex with one of his own interns in DC WHILE IMPEACHING CLINTON FOR THE SAME THING!
What do you have to do to get run out of that town!
What hypocrisy! Not only to his pretenses as religious, his pretenses at being a politician with integrity, but to do this to our American History, to brand our American history with a tawdry sex scandal, to make the second Impeachment in America history about oral sex and fuckin' young girls with cigars..and you're fuckin' your own intern at the time!! It's beyond disgrace; it's beyond words.
And none of us can 'shy away,' from these facts; forever. And it never should have been a national issue at all; it was a personal issue with no consequences or harm to the nation or it's people.
Perhaps that may be the one 'saving grace,' we can hope from it all: A footnote to the Impeachment story that says: it never should have been a national issue at all; it was a personal issue with no consequences or harm to the nation or it's people.
But if this reprobate can't shut up, zip it up, and go home what type of future history or hope are we to expect?? What 'footnotes,' would be written then?
It's beyond words. Only to say: This man should not be President; just the fact that he could even be considered as a candidate by our alleged 'holy christian conservative Republicans,' just highlights the sickness.
President? He should be tarred and feathered and dragged out of town.
Don't vote for this man.
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